The Verein supports the establishment of an education centre in Amokwe
Verein Amokwe Nigeria founded in 2000

The Verein (= Association) Amokwe Nigeria (VAN) was founded in January 2000 by a group of men and women from Austria and Switzerland, in accordance with Article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Law (ZGB). The Association is based in Zollikofen, Switzerland. It currently numbers over 100 members and donors.
The VAN has as its goal the support of social and development projects in Nigeria. The VAN funds the construction and equipment of the education center "Chibugwu Comprehensive and Vocational School" in Amokwe, and also since 2008 the day-to-day running of the center. The center has also started generating its own modest income, which helps to cover some of its operational costs. This income is realized from services rendered, tuition fees from the families of pupils who can afford it, and also by the sale of products made at the school. It also offers scholarship for the students from very poor families as well as boarding to the physically challenged children and youths. The VAN finances the project mainly through donations and contributions of its members.
Our Vision of the Human Person and Guiding Principle
Human beings are created by God and hence are sacred. As God’s creation, every person has an unconditional value, an abiding and inalienable dignity. Regardless of his or her origins, past history or religion, strengths or weaknesses, every human being bears the image of the Creator. In the light of this, every human being has an inviolable right to fairness, equality and freedom.
A human person's development is influenced by his/her environment. People with a special need for support, too, have the Right to an education that enables them to actively take part in shaping their own environment. This right, especially of those the society considers and treats as “unproductive”, must be particularly respected and protected.
The VAN and its partner organization in Amokwe, CANF, are committed to this principle and vision. The establishment of the educational and training center for young people with special physical need for support and those with no need for special support is an attempt at achieving real progress in this direction. All staffs of CANF identify with these vision and guiding principle.